23:2 – Fall 1999


Geography: A Lesson for Diplomats
William B. Wood
The growing complexity of today’s global environment requires that diplomats develop sophisticated means of evaluating the world. Multidisciplinary geography, and its new technologically enhanced tools, can help diplomats do so.

Globalization and War Economies: Promoting Order or the Return of History?
Mark Duffield
Globalization, rather than promoting prosperity and political stability, has helped fuel war economies. For conflict resolution and social reconstruction measures to be effective, the emerging development-security complex must be understood and addressed.

Reflections on the Ethiopia-Eritrea Border Conflict
Gilbert Khadiagala
A border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea erupted in violence in 1998, not only because the border itself is ambiguous but because deeper sources of conflict could not be contained by regional institutions.

Ending Civil Wars: The Case of Liberia
Luca Renda
The length and brutality of the seven-year civil war in Liberia can be ascribed, in part, to the role played by the conflict’s multinational peacekeeping mission, ECOMOG. The consequences of ECOMOG’s partisan role in the conflict call into question the role of regional organizations in national conflicts.

Military Responses to the Global Migration Crisis: A Glimpse of Things to Come?
Paul J. Smith
Governments are increasingly treating mass migration as a national security threat. While the military has addressed migration problems effectively, the question remains whether it is the institution best suited for this role.

Cities Without Walls
Neil Hughes
China’s cities have always been protected by walls-some physical, others bureaucratic. For China to overcome its current problems with pollution and unemployment and for its cities to become livable again, the bureaucratic walls that the government built to divide its citizenry must fall.

The “Russian Factor” in Ukrainian Foreign Policy
Anka Feldhusen
Four factors are helping Ukraine reassess its relationship with Russia and develop a more independent and assertive role in the international arena.


A Critical View of the Proposed International Criminal Court
Alfred P. Rubin
The International Criminal Court statute, drafted in Rome in July 1998, is based on a flawed understanding of the international legal order and thus will not serve the purpose that its supporters seek to achieve.

The Corporate Accountability Movement: Lessons and Opportunities
Robin Broad & John Cavanagh
The diverse array of campaigns organized to mitigate the negative effects of corporate activity form part of a wider corporate accountability movement. Examples of successful campaigns provide lessons that can guide the movement as a whole.

Science and Civilization: Tasks for the Next Millennium
Ihsan Dogramaci
While modern scientific inquiry has led to tremendous technological advances in the past century, the pursuit of scientific knowledge has become so specialized that it is in danger of becoming irrelevant to the daily social problems humanity faces. In the next millennium, scientists must reincorporate human concerns into their investigations.

Book Reviews
Homme Serieux: Playing for Keeps

The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew

To End a War
Richard Holbroke

Between Iraq and a Hard Place: Paradoxes of U.S. Iraq Policy
J. Alexander Thier

Terrorism: The War of the Future
Dov Waxman

24:1 – Spring 2000

23:1 – Winter/Spring 1999