20:1 – Winter/Spring 1996


The Terrorists Who Long for Peace
Mark Juergensmeyer
While secular terrorists often seek mundane goals such as power and legitimacy, religious terrorists see themselves as fighting a battle between good and evil, in which violence is used in order to achieve ultimate peace.

International Society and Its Islamic Malcontents
Sohail H. Hashmi
Contrary to the Western perception, the recent “Islamic revival” is defensive rather than offensive in nature. Rather than a challenge to the international community, it is an attempt by Muslim intellectuals and political activists to reclaim an Islamic civilization that they believe has gone astray.

Vodou and Political Reform in Haiti: Some Lessons for the International Community
John Merrill
Throughout Haiti’s turbulent history, political leaders, soldiers, and Christian clergy alike have fought against or ignored Vodou. But Vodou, the religion of the Haitian people, defines Haitian social structure. It may hold the key to lasting political reform.

Religion and Conflict Resolution
Douglas M. Johnston
Religion is often seen as a contributing factor to many conflicts today, from Bosnia to Rwanda to Sri Lanka. Yet the central tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam may hold the keys to abating and resolving even the most bitter and violent disputes.

Religion and the Global Media: Improving a Strained Relationship
Nancy Nielsen
Religious leaders and the global media elite make an unlikely couple, but through increased understanding and respect they may be able to work together to stem conflicts.

Interview with J. Bryan Hehir
People are willing to live and die for religious visions, and they mobilize nations in their quests. Religion is also a unifying force, providing pathways to understanding across cultural chasms. J. Bryan Hehir discusses the relationship between religion, governance, and people.


The Cambodian Elections and the Benefits of Legitimacy
Nhan T. Vu
Years of war left Cambodia with a culture of endemic political violence. Elections may have broken that cycle and re-empowered the people.

Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Assessing Opportunities for Regional Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Jason R. Wolff
Efforts to achieve formal economic integration in Latin America and the Caribbean have failed in the past. The current climate of unilateral trade liberalization and deregulation offers better hope for success.

The Cuban Democracy Act of 1992: The International Implications

Joanna R. Cameron
Now that the original cause for the Cuban embargo has ended, the United States must acknowledge the costs of the embargo and repeal the Cuban Democracy Act.

Beyond 1995: Negotiating a New United Nations Through Article
Richard J. Ponzio
The United Nations was created to manage a world that no longer exists. The U.N. Charter should be reviewed and changed to reflect contemporary realities.

Book Reviews
Review Essay: Taking Account of Accountability
by Ellen Lutz

Transnational Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes
by Neil J. Kritz, Editor

Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice
by Naomi Roht-Arriaza

Review Essay: Africa’s Developmental Challenges: Between Despair and Hope
by Shalendra D. Sharma

The Politics of Africa’s Economic Stagnation
by Richard Sandbrook

The Politics of Africa’s Economic Recovery
by Richard Sandbrook

Eastern Europe and the Cold War: Perceptions and Perspectives
by Stephen Fischer-Galati

Burma in Revolt
by Bertil Lintner

Cambodia’s New Deal
by William Shawcross

20:2 – Summer/Fall 1996

19:2 – Summer/Fall 1995